(Un) Known pirates and criminals of the seas
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William Kidd also Kydd, Kid *?.1.1654 - +23.5.1701. Scottish captain and pirate, was the son of captain John Kidda (Kydd), who was lost at sea. William operated in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean. He was the best-known pirate not only of his time.
However, his acts of piracy were often exaggerated by journalists, especially during the trial. He was not as cruel as the other pirates of the time. His career began in 1689 on the corsair ship the SAINTE ROSE. Part of the crew led by Kidd revolted and took down the captain. Later in Nevis they repaired and renamed the ship to the BLESSED WILLIAM. Then the crew chose him as the captain. The ship was included into the Governor Christopher Codrington's fleet. The aim was to attack French ships and pirates. In 1690 a crew member Robert Culliford, with his men, stole Kidd's ship at the island of Antigua. In 1691 Kidd married widow Sarah Bradley Cox Oort. Thanks to her first marital heritage, she was the richest woman in New York.
In 1695 King William III replaced the corrupted Governor. The New Governor of New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire became Earl Bellomont. On the order of King William III., on December 11th, 1695, a pinasa with thirty-four guns, the ADVENTURE GALLEY with a crew of a hundered and fifty men was prepared. It was also equipped with oars for maneuvers without wind, steep turns and advantages for fight. You could see that in the first film of the Pirates of the Caribbean series.
The aim of the expedition was to attack the French and also to hunt the pirates. On the list of pirates known for their brutality and criminality there were also: John Ireland, William Maze, Thomas Wake, and Thomas Tew – it was not known, that he was already dead. In September 1696, they sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and continued to Madagascar, where they were looking for pirates. Then they continued to the Strait of Mandab. Even here they did not find pirates. So they attacked the Great Mogul convoy of pilgrims from India to Mecca accompanied by several English warships of the East Indian Company under the command of the captain Edward Barlow. The Kidd attack was thwarted. After this action, the Royal Navy admiral declared Kidd a pirate. Other Kidd´s attacks on ships sailing from and to India were also unsuccessful. Part of Kidd's crew ran away. On 30th October 1697, the rest of them revolted because they did not want to be pirates. During the revolt, Kidd and the revolt leader William Moore had a wild dialogue in which Moore was shot by Kidd.
On January 30th, 1698 with a fake French flag, he attacked and captured the Armenian ship QUEDAH MERCHANT with the captain of the French East Indies Society, Wright from England. The ship carried satin, silk, gold, silver, and other merchandise from India. The ship was renamed s the ADVENTURE PRIZE.
On April 1st, 1698, he met Robert Culliford's pirates at the MOCHA frigate in Madagascar. A part of Kidd's crew went to him. Only 9 men remained faithful to Kidd: Richard Barleycorn, Robert Bradinham, Hendrick van der Heul, William Jenkins, Robert Lamley, Gabriel Loffe, Able Owens, Joseph Palmer and Hugh Parrot. The ADVENTURE GALLEY, which was already too old, was burned. With the ADVENTURE PRIZE they sailed to the Caribbean. On the way, English warships pursued them and they escaped in the Caribbean. They docked the ADVENTURE PRIZE at one of the islands, and on the sloop, without being noticed, everyone reached New York. On July 6th, 1699, they were arrested in Boston. After a year of imprisonment, they were brought to court in England. William Kidd had two lawyers. Palmer and Bradinham testified at the court, including the events of the March 30th, 1667, the rebellion, and about the meeting of Robert Culliford at Madagascar. The court condemned Kidd to death by hanging for the murder of William Moore and five proven acts of piracy. The execution was made on 23rd May, 1701 in London. His body was shown for three years over the Thames at the Tilbury Point, as a warning to potential pirates.
It is believed that Kidd hid a huge treasure. Legends, songs, and stories have grown during the time. It inspired writers to write stories such as Treasure Island, Pirate of the Seven Seas, Captain of the Caribbean, Captain Red-beard and many others. Even today, there are treasure hunters looking for.
At Catalina Island in the Dominican Republic, in December 2007, the Italian tourist accidentally discovered a sunken ship QUEDAH MERCHANT or the ADVENTURE PRIZE. On 13th December, 2007 a team of marine archaeologists from the University of Indiana began the research. The wreck was under water nearly three meters and about twenty meters from the shore. Archaeologists were surprised that the wreck was not damaged by the treasure hunters, and it was a miracle that no one had noticed the wreck over the three hundred years.
Charles King *1670?? - +1710?? The English pirate operated in the Caribbean. He was a member of the captain Daniel Plowman crew of the corsair ship CHARLES.
CHARLES sailed from Boston in July 1703 to a corsair expedition against the French and Spanish ships. Shortly after the departure, the captain Daniel Plowman became ill and because of his quarantine he stayed in his cabin. The crew, led by quartermaster Anthony Holding, however, rebelled and chose Lieutenant John Quelch as their captain. At the end of September, Captain Daniel Plowman died of fever.
Later, on the shores of Brazil, they pillaged nine Portuguese ships and they received valuable cargo of weapons, skins, sugar, cloths, boxes of gold dust and money. At that time, however, an alliance was made between Portugal and England. Therefore, the English Admiralty, following a report from Portugal about the looting of their ships, issued an arrest warrant for the whole crew. In May 1704, the CHARLES ship landed in Marblehead today in the state of Massachusetts where unsuspecting crew broke away with their share of prey. Within a week, most of the crew, including Charles King, were caught and imprisoned.
At the beginning of June, he was brought to Boston for trial. On the basis of testimony of crew members, Charles King was found guilty and sentenced to several years in prison.
Francis King *1660?? - +30.6.1704. An English officer and a pirate, he operated in the Caribbean. He was a member of the captain Daniel Plowman crew of the corsair ship CHARLES.
CHARLES sailed from Boston in July 1703 to a corsair expedition against the French and Spanish ships. Shortly after the departure, the captain Daniel Plowman became ill and because of his quarantine he stayed in his cabin. The crew, led by quartermaster Anthony Holding, however, rebelled and chose Lieutenant John Quelch as their captain. At the end of September, Captain Daniel Plowman died of fever.
Later, on the shores of Brazil, they pillaged nine Portuguese ships and they received valuable cargo of weapons, skins, sugar, cloths, boxes of gold dust and money. At that time, however, an alliance was made between Portugal and England. Therefore, the English Admiralty, following a report from Portugal about the looting of their ships, issued an arrest warrant for the whole crew. In May 1704, the CHARLES ship landed in Marblehead today in the state of Massachusetts where unsuspecting crew broke away with their share of prey. Within a week, most of the crew, including Francis King, were caught and imprisoned.
At the beginning of June, he was brought to Boston for trial. On the basis of testimony of crew members, Francis King was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. The execution was made on Friday 30th June, 1704. The execution was secured by the Musketeers Regiment. There were also several Admiralty officials, court officers, two ministers, and several monks.
This was the first example of an execution by law in America.
John King *1670?? - +1710?? The English pirate worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the captain Daniel Plowman crew of the corsair ship CHARLES.
CHARLES sailed from Boston in July 1703 to a corsair expedition against the French and Spanish ships. Shortly after the departure, the captain Daniel Plowman became ill and because of his quarantine he stayed in his cabin. The crew, led by quartermaster Anthony Holding, however, rebelled and chose Lieutenant John Quelch as their captain. At the end of September, Captain Daniel Plowman died of fever.
Later, on the shores of Brazil, they pillaged nine Portuguese ships and they received valuable cargo of weapons, skins, sugar, cloths, boxes of gold dust and money. At that time, however, an alliance was made between Portugal and England. Therefore, the English Admiralty, following a report from Portugal about the looting of their ships, issued an arrest warrant for the whole crew. In May 1704, the CHARLES ship landed in Marblehead today in the state of Massachusetts where unsuspecting crew broke away with their share of prey. Within a week, most of the crew, including John King, were caught and imprisoned.
At the beginning of June, he was brought to Boston for trial. On the basis of testimony of crew members, John King was found guilty and sentenced to several years in prison.
Texts: P. Patočka, P. Steinhardt, H. Prien
Proofreading: Ali
Translation: S. Harasimová
Graphic design: M. Gorejová
Updated: September 24, 2020
Sources: see ZDROJE