(Un) Known pirates and criminals of the seas
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William de Briggeho *?? - +1228. English Pirate from Yorkshire.
He acted in the Channel and the Baltic Sea. He was hanged for piracy.
He was historically the first punished pirate documented by the English authorities.
Michele Balbo *?? - +1270?? Italian pirate.
He operated in the Aegean Sea. He pillaged Greek and Arab ships.
D’Anaia Bulgarino *?? - +1275. Italian pirate.
He operated in the Aegean Sea and pillaged Venetian ships.
James Bianco *?? - +1305?? Italian pirate from the Mediterranean Sea.
He pillaged the Venetian fleet.
Lupo de Bertagno *?? - +1445?? Spanish pirate.
He worked in the seas of Minor Asia. He mainly attacked the ships of Venetian and Greek merchants.
Thomas Bodulgate *?? - +1471. English Pirate.
He acted in the Atlantic. He attacked anyone. He was a political illiterate with all in all-together.
Nicolo Bonfiglio *?? - +1500?? French pirate.
He operated in the Mediterranean and attacked the Venetian fleet.
Aruj Barbarossa also Baba Oruj, Red Beard * 1470?? - +1518. Ottoman (Turkish) pirate.
After the expulsion of his family from the island of Midilli (today the Greek island of Lesbos), he became a captain and a pirate, as well as his three brothers. He attacked the Spanish, French, Italian, Arab and Greek ships in the Mediterranean Sea. He was so successful that he attracted the Antalya Ottoman prince, the governor of the city and the government. They accepted him to their service and provided him with eighteen war galleys. In 1516, together with the brothers and a massive fleet, they freed the the city of Jijel and Algiers from Spaniards. In 1530 he was designated as a bey (regent) of Algiers. Already as Ottoman of Alger, he fought in the battle against the Spaniards in which he was killed.
Robert Blondel *1530?? - +1568. French captain and pirate.
He operated in the Atlantic and Caribbean on the GRACE OF GOD ship, he attacked the Spanish golden galleons. In 1567 he joined the expedition of John Hawkins.
In 1568, in San Juan de Ulúa, today's Veracruz, they met the Spanish fleet of four ships of Admiral Francis Lujan. There was a fight, and besides the two English ships that escaped, the English ships were captured or sunk. Robert Blondel was executed after a brief imprisonment.
Jean Bontemps *1530?? - +1572. French captain and pirate.
He operated in the Caribbean and plundered Spanish ships and cities.
Since 1559, he sailed with Jean-Martin Cotes, they jointly attacked Santa Marta and Cartagena. In 1567 he cooperated with John Lovell and as businessmen, they explored the Spanish settlement of Margarita. Because there was a large military crew in Margarita, they attacked the neighboring town of Rio de la Hacha, but unsuccessfully. Some time later, Bontemps decided to attack Curacao. During the attack, he was killed by an arrow of defendes.
John Brewer *1540?? - +1600?? English captain and pirate.
Since 1560 he was a member of Francis Drake's crew and he participated in all of his robberies in the Caribbean. Together they pillaged many Spanish ships, towns and villages.
He was a captain on the GOLDEN HIND (PELICAN) a ship of Vice-Admiral Francis Drake on a journey around the world in 1577-80.
In 1588, he cooperated on a successful defending of attack of the Spanish Felicissima Armada (Invincible Armada, Grand Armada). See Juan Martínez de Recalde.
In 1589 he took part in the English Armada (Contra Armada, Invencible Inglesa) to Spain and Portugal under the command of Admiral Francis Drake. The invasion ended as a complete catastrophe. See Maria Mayor Fernández de Cámara y Pita.
Mark Bury *?? - +1589. English Pirate.
He operated in the Atlantic. He was sunk by the English.
Edward Bright *1545?? - +1589. English Pirate.
Since 1560 he was a member of Francis Drake's crew and he participated in all of his robberies in the Caribbean. Together they pillaged many Spanish ships, towns and villages.
He was also on the GOLDEN HIND (PELICAN) ship of Vice-Admiral Francis Drake on a journey around the world in 1577-80.
In 1588, he cooperated on a successful defending of attack of the Spanish Felicissima Armada (Invincible Armada, Grand Armada). See Lord Charles Howard, 1st count of Nottingham (Howard Effingham)
In 1589 he took part in the English Armada (Contra Armada, Invencible Inglesa) to Spain and Portugal under the command of Admiral Francis Drake. The invasion ended as a complete catastrophe. He was killed during the action. See Don Martín de Bertendon y Goronda.
Thomas Beavin *?? - +1590?? English Pirate.
He operated in Wales. After being captured, he was hanged in London.
Don Diego Brocchiero de Anaya *?? - +1590?? Spanish pirate and the Maltese knight.
He acted in the Mediterranean Sea. He pillaged the Arab and Venetian ships.
Francesco Barbolani De Conti De Montauto *?? - +1600?? Probably an Italian pirate, known as the Knight of St. Stephen. With his brother he operated along the Berber coast (now shores from Morocco to Libya) and attacked their ships.
Richard Best *?? - +1600?? English Pirate of the Caribbean.
He attacked and pillaged the Spanish gold galleons.
Philip Boyte *?? - +1600?? English pirate from Portland. He was hanged in London.
William Baughe *?? - +1610?? An English pirate, operated around Ireland.
Peter Boniton *?? - +1615?? English Pirate.
He acted in the Caribbean and attacked anyone, especially the French. He was captured and executed in Marseille, France.
Richard Bishop *1550?? - +1617. English Pirate.
He operated in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
Giulio Barbolani Dei Conti De Montauto *?? - +1619. Probably an Italian pirate, known as the Knight of St. Stephen. With his brother he operated along the Berber coast (now shores from Morocco to Libya) and attacked their ships.
Gualterotti Bardi *?? - +1620?? A pirate perhaps of Italian origin. He was the the Maltese knight.
He acted in the Mediterranean Sea. He pillaged Arab and Ottoman ships.
Dixie Bull also Dixey *?? – 1632?? English pirate and captain.
He operated in the Atlantic at the shores of North America. In 1631 he landed at sloop in Boston and traded here. After leaving, he was attacked by French pirates and he was robbed. He turned to piracy to refund his loss. The strange thing was that as an Englishman he plundered not only the Spanish and French ships but also the English ones. He also pillaged Pemaquid, a town exporting fur and he received a rich prey. Then he disappeared.
Gabrielle Chambres de Boisbaudrant *?? - +1640?? Frenchman, the Maltese knight and pirate.
He was killed at the Ottoman galley during capturing the Sultan's Ottoman.
Jan Gijsbertszoon Booneter *?? - +1640?? A Dutch pirate, he acted in the Caribbean.
He attacked mainly the Spanish golden galleons and towns.
Abraham Blauvelt *1600?? - +1663. Dutch pirate.
In 1630 he mapped the coast of Honduras, Nicaragua and the mouth of the Bluefield river. In 1644 he was a captain in the service of the Swedish East India Company. He captured several Spanish ships with cargo from New Amsterdam (today New York) in Jamaica. In 1648, Hondaland and Spain were reconciled. Blauvelt sailed to New Port, where the governor described his activity as illegal. He became a pirate, operating around New England and in the Caribbean. In 1650 he was elected as a commander of the Pirate Fleet Brotherhood. He commanded the captured French ship LA GARSE (often mistaken with LA GRACE of Bohemian captain Augustin Heřman !!). In 1660, he joined forces with Christopher Myngs and they attacked the Spanish town of Campeche.
John Bamfield *?? - +1665?? English Pirate.
He operateded in the Caribbean. He sailed with Henry Morgan, and they invaded Saint Eustatius and Sabu.
Charlotte de Berry *1636 - +?? English pirate and captain.
As a teenager she was deeply in love with her sailor. She got pregnant and her parents forced them to marry. They ran away from their parents and being disguised they got to the ship. The officer found a black passenger. Her husband hindered her and he caused the fight in which he had fallen. After landing, she worked in a dock. The Captain of the merchant ship de Berry, to whom she loaded the goods, invited her to the ship and then kidnapped her. She married him. They sailed to Africa. After years, she fell in love with a member of the crew of Armelio Gonzalez. After the crew rebellion, she became the captain of the pirates. She and Gonzalez had children who had joined the crew. He crossed the coasts of Africa and the Caribbean, attacked merchant ships, especially the Spanish golden galleons.
Chevalier de la Barre *?? - +1670?? Maltese pirate.
He operated in the Mediterranean and plundered Arab and Ottoman ships.
Joseph Bradley *1600?? - +1671. English pirate, he acted in the Caribbean.
He operated with Edward Mansfield and Henry Morgan. In a joint action with Morgan, during attack with Chagres in Panama, he was killed.
Roche Braziliano also Rock, Roch, Roc, Roque *1630 - +1671. Dutch captain and pirate.
His real name was Gerrit Gerritszoon from the Dutch Colony in Brazil. He acted in the Caribbean and on the shores of South America until 1654. He was known for his cruelty and atrocities committed even on infants. In 1654 the Spaniards caught him, but he fled them. With the help of the pirate François l'Olonnais, he bought a new ship. Later, he joined Henry Morgan's attacks. In 1671 he disappeared with his ship and no one ever heard of him.
Adam Brewster *?? - +1675?? English pirate and captain, acted in the Caribbean.
He took part in Henry Morgan's plundering of Puerto Bello and Maracaiba.
James Browne *?? - +1677. Scottish pirate, he operated in the Caribbean.
He was known for pretending to be a Frenchman. He was hanged in Jamaica.
Captain Barnes *?? - +1680?? English pirate.
He operated in the Caribbean. He sailed with Captain Lagarder and they plundered the Spanish town of Santa Marta.
Antoine Bernard *?? - +22.11.1683. French pirate. He acted in the Caribbean and pillaged the Spanish golden galleons around the Cayman Islands. After being captured, he was hanged in Veracruz.
Captain Bournano *?? - +1690?? A French pirate, he acted in the Caribbean.
Together with captains Robert Allison, John Coxon, Cornelius Essex, Thomas Mackett, Henry Morgan, Jean Ros and Bartholomew Sharpe, they invaded and plundered Puerto Bello.
John Burton *?? - +1697. An English pirate, he operated in the Indian Ocean.
He was originally a shoemaker in New York City. In 1696, he nodded to William Kidd's offer and entered a crew of the ADVENTURE GALLEY ship. At the beginning of 1697 they attacked the Great Mogul convoy of pilgrims going to Mecca, accompanied by several warships of the East Indian Company under the command of Captain Edward Barlow. They fought off Kidd's attack, and John Burton was killed.
Sidi Abdulla Ben Aissa *?? - +1698?? Berber (Moroccan) pirate.
He operated in the Mediterranean Sea and attacked mainly French ships.
Captain Blout *?? - +1699?? French pirate of the Caribbean.
He participated in the plundering of Cartagena.
Hugh Banks *?? - +1699?? English „low self-esteemed“ pirat. He was imprisoned by captain Matthew Lowth.
George Bollen *?? - +1700?? English Pirate. He acted in the Caribbean.
He was an ally of William Kidd. He taught the twelve-year-old sailor William Jenkins, who, in 1696, had boarded the ship with Captain William Kidd ADVENTURE GALLEY.
Captain Blanc *?? - +1700. A French pirate, he operated in the Caribbean. He participated in the attack on Cartagena.
Samuel Bradley *1650?? - +1700?? English pirate and captain. He acted in the Caribbean. We only know that he was William Kidd's brother-in-law.
George Booth *1660?? - +1700. The English pirate acted in the Indian Ocean. There was John Bowen in his crew. In 1699 they captured the Arab slave ship SPEAKER. When they were negotiating about compensation for lost slaves, he was killed by the Arabs near Zanzibar.
Samuel Bradish *1672 - +1701. Pirate who operated on the east coast of North America.
He was caught in New York Harbor by the Guard for suspicion that he was a wanted pirate.
John Bowen *?? - +1704. A pirate from the Bermudas of Creole origin, acted in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean.
In his youth he served on boats as a servant. After the attack, he got into the pirates. After the wreckage in Madagascar, he and the other prisoners escaped to St. Augustine. With Captain Read, he sailed to Madagascar where, as a crew member, he entered the ship of Captain George Booth. In 1699 they captured the slave ship SPEAKER. When they were negotiating about compensation for lost slaves, Booth was killed by the Arabs near Zanzibar. Then he attacked the ships of East Indian companies. By the end of 1700, in a storm, they went to reef at Mauritius and the ship was destroyed. The slop was modified on the CONTENTS brig, they reached Madagascar, where they founded the town with the fortress Maratan. In 1702 they captured the SPEEDY RETURN ship. Later, he met former crew members George Booth and Thomas Howard, now captain of the PROSPEROUS ship. In 1703, they plundered together the Somali and Sudanese towns. In the Red Sea, they captured two ships of the East Indies company. The bigger one was left and renamed to the DEFIANT ship. Bowen then gave orders to burn the SPEEDY RETURN and PROSPEROUS ships and hand over the command to Nathaniel North. Thomas Howard, with his forty men from the DEFIANT ship on Mascarene, was “retired”, Bowen on Madagascar as well. About six months later he died of intestinal flu.
Robert Bradinham *1650?? - +1710?? English pirate, ship physician and surgeon.
He sailed on the captain William Kidd´s ship ADVENTURE GALLEY in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean. He was a loyal member of the crew as well as other well-known members: Richard Barleycorn, William Jenkins, Robert Lamley, Gabriel Loffe, William Moore (he was killed by W. Kidd during a rebellion on October 30th, 1697), Able Owens, Joseph Palmer and Hugh Parrot. The all crew with Kidd was arrested in Boston on July 6th, 1699. After a year of imprisonment, they were brought to a court in England. Bradinham and J. Palmer testified at the court, among other things, about the killing of W. Moore during a rebellion on October 30th, 1697, and about the attack with R.Culliford at Madagascar. He was sentenced to death by hanging, then he was pardoned.
Edward Buckmaster *1660?? - +1696?? English Pirate.
He was an innkeeper in the New York harbor. He nodded to William Kidd's offer and entered his crew on the ADVENTURE GALLEY ship. He was killed during a naval fighting with the Arabs in the Indian Ocean.
Samuel Burgess also Daniel Burgess *1650 New York - +1716 Madagascar. American captain and pirate.
He acted in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean.
In 1689, he was a member of the SAINTE ROSE ship crew, which was captured by the rebels under the command of William Kidd. It was later renamed to the BLESSED WILLIAM ship. In February 1690, on Antigua Island, with Edward Coates, he joined Robert Culliford and they stole this ship from William Kidd. They renamed in to the JACOB ship and chose William Mason as the captain. In 1691, they stopped in New York at the governor to offer him bribery and to be forgiven for piracy. They were given Corsican law. Burgess stayed here. He started working for Frederick Phillips, the richest merchant in New York, as the captain of the MARGARET ship. They traded with pirates in Madagascar, sold them arms and cannons for gold and slaves. In April 1693 he bought a house. In December 1699, in Cape Town, the MARGARET ship was captured, and the cargo of slaves and gold was seized by captain Lowth from the East India Company. After stopping in Mumbai, Burgess was taken to London. At court in 1701, he was accused of supporting and acting piracy. This was also testified by the pirate Robert Culliford. After pleading guilty, he was convicted, but he was granted a grace with conditions. He became an officer on the NEPTUNE ship and traded with slaves and alcohol. After the storm, he helped the ship, knowing nothing about John Halsey's pirates. They forcibly took over the NEPTUNE ship and part of its crew went to the pirates, including Burges. He was soon appointed as a quartermaster. In 1708, Captain Halsey died of fever. Burgess then stayed in Madagascar, where he dealt with the slave trade. In 1716 he was poisoned after a disagreement with the slave traders.
Samuel Bellamy *?? - +26.4.1717. English Pirate.
He was known as Black Sam or Black Bellamy.
He acted in the Caribbean on the WHYDAH GALLY ship. At the Pirates' Assembly, he was elected as the Commodore of the Pirate Fleet, earning the nickname The Prince of the Pirates and his crew The Robin Hood group. They attacked everybody and plundered coastal towns. After being captured, they were executed in Massachusetts.
Stede Bonnet also Pirate Gentleman *1665?? Barbados - +10.12.1718. English Pirate.
He operated in the Atlantic on the east coast of North America and the Caribbean.
He was the captain of the REVENGE ship. With officer Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, they plundered the East Coast. After an unsuccessful attack on the American ship PROTESTANT CAESAR, the crew revolted. They chose Blackbeard for their captain. Stede was left on the boat to his fate.
He was caught and tried by North Carolina governor Charles Eden. The governor offered a pardon to Bonnet when he becomes a corsair and his captain with a new name, Captain Thomas, and a new the ROYAL JAMES ship and he will attack the Spaniards. Although Bonnet agreed with the conditions, he broke the deal after leaving.
He was caught and executed in Charlestown, South Carolina.
Captain Bran also Brand *?? - +1675?? An English pirate, he operated in the Caribbean.
With Henry Morgan he plundered Porto Bello. And with Roche Brazilian they pillaged Campeche.
Eugenio Borg *1670?? - +1710?? The Maltese Knight and Pirate of the Mediterranean Sea.
John Breck *1670?? - +1710?? The English pirate operated in the Caribbean.
He was a member of the captain Daniel Plowman crew of the corsair Ship CHARLES.
CHARLES sailed from Boston in July 1703 to a corsair expedition against the French and Spanish ships. Shortly after the departure, the captain Daniel Plowman became ill and because of his quarantine he stayed in his cabin. The crew, led by quartermaster Anthony Holding, however, rebelled and chose Lieutenant John Quelche as her captain. At the end of September, Captain Daniel Plowman died of fever.
Later, on the shores of Brazil, they pillaged nine Portuguese ships and they received valuable cargo of weapons, skins, sugar, cloths, boxes of gold dust and money. At that time, however, an alliance was concluded between Portugal and England. Therefore, the English Admiralty, following a report from Portugal about the looting of their ships, issued an arrest warrant for the whole crew. In May 1704, the CHARLES ship landed in Marblehead today in the state of Massachusetts where unsuspecting crew broke away with their share of prey. Within a week, most of the crew, including John Breck, were caught and imprisoned.
At the beginning of June, he was brought to Boston for trial. On the basis of testimony of crew members, John Breck was found guilty and sentenced to several years in prison.
Phineas Bunce *?? - +1718. An English pirate, he acted in the Caribbean.
He was arrested for robbery, and later pardoned by governor Woodes Rogers. Later, he was killed in a battle with the Spanish Coast Guard.
Charles Bellamy *?? - +1720. An English pirate.
He operated in New England and Newfoundland. He attacked fishermen, small merchant ships and coastal villages.
Chevalier de Borras *?? - +1740?? A French pirate, he acted in the Mediterranean Sea.
He attacked everyone. The most commonly Arab ships.
Captain Balestrier *?? - +1742?? Pirate with a base at Mallorca.
He operated in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and plundered Arab and Ottoman ships.
Richard Barleycorn *1682 - +1750?? English pirate.
He sailed on the captain William Kidd´s ADVENTURE GALLEY ship in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean.
When he was fourteen, he was taught as a sailor by William Kidd. He was a loyal member of the crew, as well as other well-known members of the team: Robert Bradinham, Hendrick van der Heul, William Jenkins, Robert Lamley, Gabriel Loffe, William Moore (he was killed by W. Kidd during a revolt on October 30th, 1697), Able Owens, Joseph Palmer and Hugh Parrot. The all crew with W. Kidd was arrested on 6th of July 1699 in Boston. After a year of imprisonment, they were brought to a court in England. At a court Barleycorn also testified about events during the revolt on October 30th, 1697. He was sentenced to death by hanging, but then he was pardoned.
Anne Bonny also Anney *8.3.1702 - +22.4.1782. Irish pirate.
She operated in the Caribbean. Like a small girl she sailed with her parents to the New World. Mother died shortly after arriving, her father was addicted to gambling. At thirteen she lived on the street. Some sailor married her. She went with him to the local pub in the Bahamas. Here she met John Calico Rackham and she charmed him. He took her to his crew on the WILLIAM ship with Mary Read.
In October 1720, the WILLIAM ship was attacked by the Jonathan Barnett sloop the TYGER, who chased them. During the fight, Anne and Mary managed to escape. The crew, including Rackham, was killed after a short battle.
Later, Anne was cauhgt, but she was pregnant, so she could not be executed or imprisoned. After she was released, she went to Charles Town, South Carolina, where she gave a birth to Rackham's child on 21st December 1721. She married a local citizen Joseph Burleigh, who had already ten children. At the age of eighty she died as a very respected woman.
Blackmann *?? - +1810?? A pirate of unknown origin in the service of France.
He crossed the Channel and attacked any English ship.
Charlotte Badger *1778 - +1816?? An English / Australian pirate, she is known as the first Australian pirate. She operated mainly around New Zealand.
For the pocketing crimes, she was deported with her child from England to a penal colony in Oceania. With her lover John Lancashire, a fellow Catherine Hagerta and Benjamin Kelly, they seized the ship. They sent the crew to their boats and they sailed to the Bay of Island in New Zealand. From there, they made explorations.
Captain Biciaki *?? - +1825?? Greek pirate from the eastern Mediterranean.
Eli Boggs also 伊拉·波斯 (Ira Persian) *?? - +1860?? American pirate.
He acted on the west coast of North America. Since 1850, was operating in the south of the Chinese Sea from the base near Hong Kong. Mostly he operated at the mouth of the Pearl River. He attacked Chinese merchant ships as well as the Colonial ships sailing from Europe with a load of opium. He was known for his unpredictability and cruelty. In 1857, his crew was forcibly and bloody destroyed by competing pirates. He was delivered to the British colonial authorities. After three years of dungeon in Hong Kong, he was transferred to the United States. Before the trial, he was murdered.
Texts: P. Patočka, P. Steinhardt, H. Prien
Proofreading: Ali
Translation: S. Harasimová
Graphic design: M. Gorejová
Updated: September 24, 2020
Sources: see ZDROJE