(Un) Known pirates and criminals of the seas
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Ligorio Assanti *?? - +1345?? Italian pirate.
He acted in the Mediterranean Sea near Greece. He was known as the Rhodian Knight.
William Aleyn *1432 England - +1448 ?? English pirate, operating in the Channel and on the shores of France.
Giorgio Adorno *?? - +1558. Italian Pirate and Maltese Knight.
He acted in the vicinity of Malta and Italy. He was the captain of the KNIGHT galley and he called himself the captain-of-all. After being captured, he was sentenced and executed in Italy.
James Alday *1540 - +?? English pirate destroying Spanish and Portuguese ships.
Richard Allen *?? - +?.11. 1572. English Pirate.
He operated in the Bay of Biscay and the Channel. Together with John Drake, they were hijacking French and Spanish ships. He was killed in an attack on a galleon whose power was underestimated.
Clinton Atkinson *?? - +1583. An English pirate known as Clinton.
He operated on the West Coast of Europe. He was sentenced to hanging.
Ferdinando d’Aragona *?? - +1600. Aragon (Spanish) pirate.
He acted in the Mediterranean and he attacked mainly Venetian ships.
Nicolas Alvel *1603 - +?? somewhere in the sea. English robber in the Ionian Sea.
Frederico Langrvio d’Assia *?? - +1645?? Probably an Italian pirate and the Maltese Knight.
He acted in the Mediterranean and he plundered Arab and Ottoman ships.
Vincenzo Alessandri *?? - +1657. Pirate probably of Italian origin and the Maltese Knight.
He worked mostly in the vicinity of Malta and Italy. Giorgio Adorno successor. After being captured, he was sentenced to slavery.
Captain Aylett *?? - +1669. English Pirate.
He acted in the Caribbean with Henry Morgan. He died when Morgan's ship exploded.
Richard Arnold *?? - +3.5.1680. English Pirate.
He operated in the Pacific along the coast of Central and South America. He sailed with Edward Davis, Peter Harris and Charles Swan.
At the beginning of April 1680 the pirates anchored on south of Panama near Perico Island, today - Causeway Islands (English) or Islas Calzada de Amador (Spanish). Here they left their ships and they reached the coast on the canoes. Then they walked to the north.
April 25, 1680 they successfully plundered the town of Santa Maria near Panama. After the town was burnt down, on stolen ships they sailed down the river to the sea and then to the Perico Island to their ships. There, on May 3, 1680, the Spanish warships waited to them. Pirates successfully fought the attack. More than twenty pirates died. Richard Arnold was among them.
Captain Archembeau * ?? - +1682?? French pirate.
He acted in the Caribbean and mainly attacked Spanish ships. In an alliance with William Wright and Toccar, he attacked the Spanish colonies.
Michiel Andrieszoon also Bréha, * ?? - +1683 Veracruz. Dutch pirate and captain in the Brotherhood with captains Laurence de Graff, Michel de Grammont, Nicolaes van Hoorn, Thomas Paine and Jan Willems.
In the Caribbean, he mainly attacked the Spanish gold galleons. He attacked and plundered Campeche and Yucatan. He was executed in Veracruz.
M. A. Anger *?? - +1685?? Pirate and the Maltese Knight of unknown origin.
He operated in the Mediterranean and plundered Arab and Ottoman ships.
John Ansell *?? - +1689. English Pirate of the Caribbean.
He participated in Henry Morgan's plundering of Maracaiba in South America.
Robert Allison *1679 - +?? An English pirate who worked in the Caribbean.
Together with captains Bournano, John Coxon, Cornelius Essex, Thomas Mackett, Henry Morgan, Jean Rose and Bartholomew Sharpe, they invaded and plundered Puerto Bello.
James Austin *1670?? - +1710?? The English pirate worked in the Caribbean.
He was a member of crew of the Daniel Plowman, the captain of corsair ship CHARLES.
CHARLES sailed from Boston in July 1703 to a corsair expedition against the French and Spanish ships. Shortly after the departure, captain Daniel Plowman became ill and because of the quarantine he stayed in his cabin. The crew, led by quartermaster Anthony Holding rebelled and they chose Lieutenant John Quelche as their captain. At the end of September, Captain Daniel Plowman died in fever.
Later, on the shores of Brazil, nine Portuguese ships were pillaged and they received a valuable cargo of weapons, skins, sugar, cloths, boxes of gold dust and money. At that time, however, an alliance between Portugal and England was concluded. Therefore, after a report from Portugal about the looting of their ships, the English Admiralty issued an arrest warrant for the entire crew. In May 1704, the CHARLES ship landed in Marblehead, today the port in the state of Massachusetts, where unsuspecting crew broke away with their share of prey. Within a week, most of the crew, including James Austin, were trapped and imprisoned.
At the beginning of June, he was brought to Boston for a trial. By testimony of the crew members, James Austin was found guilty and sentenced to several years in prison.
John Auger *?? - +1718. English Pirate.
He operated in the Caribbean. He was caught and trapped by Woodes Rogers, the corsairs and pirates hunter. After he was released from prison, he returned to piracy. Later he was persecuted by corsair and hunter Benjamin Hormigold. He was convicted and executed in New Providence, where Woodes Rogers was a governor.
Thomas Anstis *?? - +?.4.1723. English Pirate of the Caribbean.
He was invited by Barrot Roberts for a expedition to the African Gulf of Gold but he refused. The British Royal Navy later sank him.
John Rose Archer *?? - +1724. English Pirate.
He sailed with Edward Teach and John Phillips. He acted in the Atlantic, especially at New Scotland, where he was later executed.
Chui A-Poo *?? - +1851. Chinese pirate.
A fleet commander of about fifty junks. He operated in the South China Sea. He founded and managed Shap'N'g-tsai. 1851 escaped from the prepared navy trap, he was persecuted and killed on the shores of Tasmania.
Tuanku Abbas *1840 - +?? somewhere in the sea. A Malay pirate and a member of the Brotherhood Rajah of Achin.
He engaged in robberies mainly in the South China Sea against the ship of colonial powers.
Texts: P. Patočka, P. Steinhardt, H. Prien
Proofreading: Ali
Translation: S. Harasimová
Graphic design: M. Gorejová
Updated: September 24, 2020
Sources: see ZDROJE